
happy jumping day

thanks to Mr. Wadud and Mr. Ikhsan. :DD


This is not a ladies' night. this is a GENTLEMAN'S NIGHT :)

say goodbye to . . . .






no (but maybe for next year ;))


no !!
(gurau je ok,haha :DD)

yes !!!

and say welcome to . . . .






teehee !! :P

thank you


hey guys!

sekali lagi, entry kali aku nak bagi taw yang aku telah di tag lagi.. weee! ok, thank you to izzah.. i hope that she always smile and happy ok! ;)

Apa benda paling penting dalam hidup korang?
my family :)

Benda terakhir korang beli guna duit sendiri?
charger handphone (charger yang lame kene sambar petir, damn!)

Dimana tempat korang nak melansungkan perkahwinan korang dan tema perkahwinan korang nanti?
atas bumi dan tema orang nak kahwin

Adakah korang sedang bercinta sekarang?
"All you need is love" (song by The Beatles) :P

Berapa lama korang akan mencintai kekasih korang?
ask dia (click2 lah)

Dimana korang selalu jumpa kekasih korang?
anywhere :D

Novel/Buku/Majalah terakhir korang beli?
conclusion-pemalas :D

Apa nama penuh korang?
Afandi Sha'ari

Antara mak dengah ayah korang, yang mana korang lagi mesra?
emakayah (jangan silap baca!)

Namakan orang yang betul2 korang nak jumpa dalam hidup?
my true self

Adakah korang basuh baju sendiri?
nope, mesin tolong aku basuh. we are bestfriend ok!

Di mana tempat yang korang betul2 nak pergi?
my past time

Pilih salah satu, peluk atau cium?
erk, malu lah nak cakap,haha

Beritahu 3 perkara pasal orang yang tag korang?
wonderful smile :)
play same sport like me - basketball
friendly person

5 benda korang sayang sangat dalam hidup korang?
edwin sweater
messeger bag
basketball ball
basketball court

5 lagu korang suka dan selalu dengar?
american idiot - greenday
i want to be buried in your backyard - nightmare of you
hysteria - muse
threshold - sex bob-bomb
look what you have done - jet

Bila tarikh lahir korang dan korang sambut kat mana tahun lepas?
2006 dan atas bumi :P

7 orang blogger yang korang nak tag?

Cerita sikit pasal blogger pertama yang korang tag?


Merdeka by Butterfingers

hey guys!

latest entry tu agak emo sikit,huhu.. mayb hormon xberapa nak stabil sangat kot :P .. btw, thanks for those yang comment that entry.. actually, entry kali nak jawab tag lagi.. yahoo! sekali lagi kene tag lah weh,hehe.. thank you eyka and nany sebab tag ok.. eyka dah tag aku pada tarikh 13 November 2010 and nany 14 November 2010 pada tapi baru now aku ade peluang nak update.. so sory taw eyka and nany!!

"- Put your music library on shuffle. For each question, press the next button to get your answer. You must write that song title as the answer to the question, no matter how silly it sounds! Most of the time they seem to work though, strangely enough. Ok, go! When you're done, tag people in this note, and make sure to tag the person who sent you this. The answer to #20 is the Title of your note. -"

If someone says, “Is this okay?” you say...

Life - Yui

How would you describe yourself?

Welcome To The Black Parade - My Chemical Romance

What do you like in a girl?

Silly Lily - Bunkface

How do you feel today?

All About You - Mcfly

What is your life’s purpose?

I Kissed A Girl - Katy Perry

What's your motto?

Whatsername - Greenday

What do your friends think of you?

Starlight - Muse

What do you think of your parents?

Bila Bila Kita Berdansa - Grey Sky Morning

What do you think about very often?

Saat Indah Bersamamu - Ungu

What is 2 + 2?

Empayar Mu - Hujan

What do you think of your best friend(s)?

Pergi - Couple

What do you think of the person you like?

Love The Way You Lie - Eminem feat Rihanna

What is your life story?

Singapura - Kuala Lumpur - The Times

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Power - Kanye West

What do you think of when you see the person you like?

Way I Are - Timbaland feat Keri Hilson and D.O.E

What will you dance to at your wedding?

Comin' At You - The A.C.A.B

What will they play at your funeral?

What Do You Wanna Do - Mocca

What is your biggest fear?

After Midnight - Yuna

What is your biggest secret?

Superhuman - Chris Brown and Keri Hilson

What will you post this as?

Merdeka - Butterfingers

all these answers come when i shuffled my music library.. damn, banyak yang merepek kot! ke aku yang x faham soalan tag ni,huhu.. ahh! x kesah lah.. pape pun, jawapan2 dalam tag ni bukan betul2 belaka taw.. :P

p/s: i like answer for question no. 2 :DD



-just a short entry.

-if my followers read anything bad about me from other blogs, thats mean she too coward to talk to me.

-if my followers read anything bad about me from this blog, thats mean this blog has been hacked by hater and she too coward to talk to me.

-girl, you know nothing about me. so, watch out.

woot woot!



hey guys.. korang nak taw x? aku telah di'tag' oleh someone.. omg!! first time orang tag aku, excited kot,haha!! before this, selalu baca entry orang yg kena tag but for this time, aku buat entry pasal aku kena tag. :DD

special thanks to eyka.. dia yg tag aku kot,hehe.. tq ok! just click her name to view her blog.

25 random facts, habits or goals about me?
because to know about me?
weee! i like! :D

1-aku suka sangat makan
2-aku suka music. x kisah genre ape2 pun
3-LIVERPOOL fc - you never walk alone
4-i like my own style. so x payah nak tiru orang
5-actually, aku jenis pemalu. dulu2 masa sekolah menengah, aku takot ngan gurls (bukan sebab gay ok!)
6-suka main rambut sendiri
7-just call me fendy
8-orang cakap aku ada double personality tapi aku x rasa pulak ada
9-katak!binatang yg menggerunkan ok
10-i love tweets kat twitter. jom lah join
11-suka jawab bile kena tag (ini fact nak ambil hati :P)
12-aku anak mak. aku ngaku!!
13-aku keras kepala macam batu kerasnya
14-x boleh nak kena pressure lah. nanti suma benda x jadi
15-i hate liars. once kena tipu, sampai bila x percaya. huh! (macam ex aku dulu2)
16-i like to try somethin' new. life is short ,so don't waste ur time. (benda yg baik2 je ok)
17-just call me fendy (ulangan :P)
18-blogwalkin' is good for me
19-currently study at USM (siapa2 student USM kat sini, hands up!)
20-i like this quote,"Which would be worse, to live as a monster, or to die as a good man?"
21-saya peminat setia JULIANA EVANS. sekian
22-im basketballer. yeah, thats me!
23-my idol.. n my hero
24-suka merapu sorang2 macam jawab tag ni :P
25-saya peminat setia MARSHANDA jugak. sekian

fuuh!! habis gak 25 facts, habits or goals pasal aku.. bile korang dah baca, thats mean korang dah kenal aku 50%,haha.. aku pun nak tag orang gak, orang2 yg di'tag' tu akan di'inform' kan (ini pun first time gak).. :P ok lah, x nak merapu lagi, see u later guys.. bye2.


gud bye Miss E and hey Miss A


hey guys!!
korang macam mane, sihat x?
aku hope korang sihat n happy dengan orang2 yg tersayang. :)
(even korang x happy, tapi senyum2 lah selalu gak ok)

im so... tension!!!
why u do this to me miss A??


ini semua sebab miss A lah ini.
sebabkan miss A lah aku menjadi busy secara tiba-tiba for this week n next week.
miss A dah buatkan aku:
-xcukup tidur
-xcukup makan
-xcukup mase nak buat benda2 yg aku suke buat
-xcukup mandi (yang ni kiddin' je,haha)

its ok miss A, aku akan make sure semua perkara2 yang berkaitan aku n kamu akan setel secepat mungkin.
no more mercy ok!
even though miss A selalu kaco aku, tapi miss E x kaco pulak.
im so happy n i love u miss E. (macam bodoh je statement aku ni :P).
this semester, miss E x ade pulak. thats good!
btw, gud luck for those yg ade urusan dengan miss E ok. study hard!


shout! awards

korang pernah dengar x? if x, why not korang click ini to know more about this awards.
if korang taw, please vote ur favorite artists ok.
aku dah vote, korang bile lagi. :P

last year, BUNKFACE dapat rockstar award(rockstar award = main award).

p/s: tukar style of writing sikit. :DD


my new skin

just a short entry..

last night, i can't sleep n don't know what to do..
so, i try to make some changes with my blog skin..

and for the result, u can see it now..

ok x guys??

p/s sory sebab font colours ni buat kurang pening. :P

thank you and start new life

hey! korang sehat x sekarang? lame dah rasenye x menaip pape dalam blog ni.. before ni, banyak upload gambar2 je :P .. actually, bukan aku xnak menaip dalam blog ni.. just xtaw nak story pasal ape je,huhu.. n plus aku ngah sedey.. tapi tu dulu lah kan (sedey still ade).. SEKARANG! aku ade something nak ditaip dalam blog ni(bersemangat ok!!).

firstly, aku nak tanye korang beberapa soalan.
1-tahukah anda tentang youtube? (macam soalan yang xpatut disoal je :P )
2-adakah anda selalu tengok videos kat youtube?
3-kalo selalu, video macam mane yang anda suke?
4-pernah x anda tengok videos created by NIGAHIGA?

kalo semua soalan kat atas jawapan nye YES, so mayb korang dah taw ape yang aku nak story dalam entry ni.. kalo NO, ape lagi!, continue lah bace. :)

before tu, aku nak ngatkan korang.. im not gay ok!! :D NIGAHIGA senaye adelah nickname die kat youtube n name die yang betol2 ialah Ryan Higa.. die dah create banyak videos kat youtube n semua videos die memang ramai giler ramai yang view ok.. kalo korang nak taw detail pasal die, aku bagi taw sikit lah.
-die ni japanese-american dari Hilo, Hawaii.
-before this, die selalu buat videos yang lawak2 dengan member2 die, The Yabo Crew.
-mule2 videos yang die upload memang banyak around 90 videos but sebab isu copyright, so tinggal 68 je (68 pun banyak lagi kot).
-pernah berlakon dalam film "Ryan and Sean's Not So Excellent Adventure".
-2009, die ade subscribers sebanyak 1 million tapi 2010, die ade subscribers sebanyak 2 million n jadi the first in YouTube's history to do so (wow!).
-kalo nak lagi detail,click ini.

reason aku suke videos die sebab die memang lawak giler lah (bagi aku lah lawak,xtaw plak korang :P ).. videos die yang awal2 tu macam boring sikit tapi now memang best lah.. aku siap download sume videos die sebagai collection n jadi subscriber die,haha.. ok lah, xnak mengarut panjang lagi..

p/s:mood not ok n title entry x ade kene mengene ngan contain.

my moment raya




pssst!! you want to know something?

just short entry. perkara2 yg jadi masa aku xupdate blog ni:-
-xdapat nak on9 selalu coz sebab dah pindah department baru kat tempat practical(grrr!).
-jadi petani yg berjaya.
-rajin membaca(percaya x?huhu).
-beli something yg aku nak dari dulu(weee!best).
-mengalami masalah jiwe(L.O.V.E).
-jadi driver almost every weekend.
-menyambut bulan Ramadhan(korang puase x?).
-siapkan proposal untuk research paper(fuh!dah siap akhirnya).
-buat budget untuk raye nanti(penting2).
-n banyak lg(actually, banyak dah lupe :P ).


oh god!

korang taw kan ape yang dah jadi malam 15 julai? hope korang taw ni bukan nak tunjuk pandai or what, just to give my opinion.. hope x ade yang marah, x suke, menyampah, sakit hati or *^&$ dengan post ni..mayb post ni agak sensitif bagi someone..

baru2 ni, government kite telah menaikkan/selaraskan harge barang2 ni:
4)gas LPG

ade macam2 opinion bile government buat macam ni, ade yang menentang n ade yang menerima.. bagi aku, aku still boleh bersabar(ni opinion aku, hope xde yang bantah).. syukurlah sebab family aku mampu menerima semua ni, yang mampu2 tu boleh lah cakap, "ok!aku mampu".. tapi macam mane dengan family yang kurang mampu.. sedih bile aku fikirkan pasal diorang, aku duduk area kampung so aku taw macam mane life family2 yang susah ni.. kalo barang2 ni dah naik, for sure barang2 lain akan naik.. ape yang aku mampu buat untuk tolong diorang? jawapannye, aku mampu berdoa "moga tuhan permudahkan hidup mereka", amin.. bagi blogger2, ape pendapat korang bile harge barang2 naik?

p/s: mak ngan abah aku dah ade facebook lah.oh no!


someone behind you!

hey, i heard scary voice...


ha! turn around!

i saw someone walking behind you!

it is closer to us!!



em, seram x korang? kalo korang bace siang2 post ni, ofcourse lah x seram lansung.. tapi macam mane kalo tengah2 malam, eeee! mesti korang cuak kan, kan3??(kalo korang x seram gak, tolong buat2 seram lah ok,huu).. mesti korang tertanye2 nape aku buat post yg seram2 macam ni?

antara bende2 yang korang akan mule2 fikir pasal post ni:
>aku terjumpa hantu macam pontianak, langsuir, vampire(ade ke kat malaysia,haha), toyol dan sewaktu dengan nye.
>aku baru dengar ghost story from someone.
>aku selalu dapat nightmare.
>aku yg jadi hantu!!

kalo bende yg korang fikirkan tu same macam kat atas, kirenye aku memang hebat lah,haha.. xade lah, sume nye x betol pun.. yg sebenarnye, aku baru lepas tengok GHOST ADVENTURE lah(agak seram lah).. korang penah dengar or tengok x bende ni?

about the show:
1. ade 3 orang crew, Zak Bagans, Nick Groff n Aaron Goodwin.
2. diorang akan pergi kat tempat yg berhantu n diorang dikurung dalam tempat tu dari petang until pagi esoknye(omg!)
3. setakat ni, dah ade 3 seasons.
4. kebanyakan bukti kewujudan hantu kat tempat diorang pergi dapat ditangkap melalui electronic voice phenomena(EVP).
5. care diorang investigate satu2 tempat tu gune modern technology macam EVP.
6. kadang2 seram n kadang2 x seram.
7. suke mencabar2 hantu tu.
8. kalo nak taw lagi, click sini.

nick, zak n aaron

muke zak tengah cuak abes

aku x suruh pun korang percaye bulat2 pe yg jadi dalam GHOST ADVENTURE ni, tapi try lah tengok ok.. kalo korang nak tengok, boleh tengok kat channel ntv7 setiap ahad 8.30 pm-9.30 pm or tengok je kat youtube.. ok lah, kene stop dulu.. oleh tu, 'JANGAN BIARKAN HIDUP ANDA DISELUBUNGI MISTERI' (pinjam tagline MISTERI NUSANTARA jap,hee).


what i want?


brown leather buckle satchel

bb 9700 bold

black wool military peacoat

hey,dah tengok pic2 kat atas.. kalo dah bace title post ni, mesti korang taw kenape aku letak pic2 ni.. saje je nak inform kat korang, dah lame nak yang kat atas tu.. em, i want it! i want it! i want it! :( tapi xdapat2 pun,huhu.

why, why n why??

mayb ade reason kenape aku xboleh dapat sume ni.. its ok, i am what i am (jangan ikut lifestyle org lain ok!). :)

> final world cup(ned VS esp, 12 julai, 2.30am)
> ade sape2 nak beli kan barang2 kat atas tu utk aku ke? please.. :DD


short post

what a sad day! ARGENTINA out from world cup,huhu. :(

argentina played well but german is too perfect.. x ape lah, no luck, but aku tetap support korang ok. :)

p/s: An extract remarks a north.


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