
Showing posts with label tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tips. Show all posts

perut, why do you do this to me?

Waduh, dah lama aku tak update blog ni. Bukan saja dah berabuk, berkarat pun ada ni, huu. Untuk mem'polish'kan semula, aku buat satu post berkaitan dengan perut.
Perut ni bagi lelaki sebenarnya macam aset penting. So, kalau aset tak dijaga, agak kacau bilau lah sikit. Boleh jadi perhatian orang nanti macam aku kena, huu. Minggu lepas, ada reunion semua batch sekolah menengah aku. Jadi jumpa ramai kawan2 lama. Soalan pertama yang diorang tanya mesti, "Eh, nampak berisilah?", "Amboi, chubby dah sekarang ni ha", "Apa lain pulak nampak ko ni sekarang?". Aku tak marah pun pasal tu sebab dah memang macam tu aku, hee. Disebabkan tu, penjagaan perut agak penting. Ada beberapa tips yang aku nak kongsikan sikit berkaitan perut.
  1. Avoid foods that contain high carbohydrates, such as bread, biscuits, and cakes that high salt content such as snack foods found in many stores or supermarkets.
  2. Do regular breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and interspersed with fiber-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables, and yogurt. Foods rich in fiber will make you feel full in the long period and beneficial for organ health.
  3. Drink plenty of water at least 8 glasses a day. You may also consume 200 ml of skim milk per day, or 4 cups of tea or lightly coffee.
  4. Eat salad vegetables in unlimited quantities. But, if you feel your stomach bloating when eating it, you can boil it before eating.
  5. Chew the foods slowly, especially vegetables, dried fruits, and grains. This can reduce flatulence.
  6. Do a routine exercise every day. Exercise will burn calories and will make your stomach look flat. In order to make your stomach flat, try doing sit ups exercise every day at least 8 times for 2 consecutive months.
 Ada macam2 cara nak follow tips ni. Biasanya, aku akan follow step by step. Mula2, amalkan first step dan buat sampai ok. Lepas tu baru amalkan step seterusnya. Untuk korang yang rasa macam tergolong dalam golongan PJD (Perut Jalan ke Depan), bolehlah amalkan tips diatas.


buncit, boroi, perut ke depan dan sebagainya

Hi guys. Kali ini aku nak buat post berkaitan dengan buncit @ boroi. Dulu-dulu, kalau bercakap pasal buncit, memang kaum lelaki yang kenalah. Tetapi sekarang tidak lagi, perempuan pun ada yang mengalami masalah yang sama. Aku pun juga ada lah sikit-sikit buncit tu tapi boleh cover lagi lah. :p

Daripada kajian yang aku buat pasal buncit ini, ada beberapa cara untuk mengawal atau mengurangkan masalah buncit ini.
  1. Pastikan anda bersarapan pada setiap pagi.
  2. Luangkan sedikit masa untuk bersenam.
  3. Banyakkan pengambilan serat (buah-buahan) yang tepat.
  4. Mempunyai masa tidur yang mencukupi.
  5. Cuba jauhi sebarang tekanan.
  6. Banyakkan minum air.
Bagi yang tengah buncit tu, janganlah korang rasa sedih. Masih ada cara untuk menyelamatkan korang dari terus menjadi boroi tapi kenalah usaha sikit. Kalau setakat cakap je, memang sampai ke sudah korang tetap perut jalan ke depan.

are you in love?

Hey guys. What is love? Dalam post kali ni, aku nak cerita pasal cinta. Tak pernah rasanya buat post pasal cinta ni,hehe. Banyak makna yang boleh diungkapkan bila kita cakap pasal cinta. Tiada maksud yang tepat untuk kita rungkai apakah sebenarnya tu cinta. Cinta itu indah, cinta itu penuh dengan kebahagiaan tapi adakah tu semua memberi maksud kepada cinta? No matter how you define it or feel it, love is the eternal truth in the history of mankind.

Aku pernah beberapa kali bercinta tapi tiada penghujung yang seperti aku mahukan. Mungkin aku belum bertemu jodoh aku yang sebenar-benarnya. Jadi, pengalaman tu semua aku nak kongsikan dalam post kali ni. Sebelum tu, apa yang aku sampaikan adalah berdasar kepada pengalaman aku saja.
  • Kejujuran dan Kepercayaan. Jangan sesekali mula menipu sebab lama kelamaan anda akan terus melakukannya. Ni kerana bila dah selalu buat, menipu akan menjadi perkara biasa dan mulalah tidak jujur pada pasangan anda. Begitu juga kepercayaan, jagalah dengan kepercayaan yang telah diberi oleh pasangan kita.
  • Ikhlas. Bila melakukan sesuatu untuk pasangan anda, perlu ditetapkan dalam hati bahawa kita buat adalah ikhlas dan tiada niat lain. Keikhlasan kita akan dibalas baik.
  • Terus Terang. Jika ada ketidakpuasan hati atau marah dengan sesuatu perkara, terus terang saja. Cara baik untuk terus terang adalah dengan gaya cakap yang baik dan nada yang rendah. Jangan kita melenting marah kat pasangan kita.
  • Adil. Bila kita bercinta, ia melibatkan dua belah pihak. Kedua-dua belah pihak perlu menjaga hati masing2 dan pasangan kita. Jangan kita terlalu mementingkan diri sendiri.
  • Ambil Berat. Cubalah kita bertanya keadaan pasangan kita setiap hari sekali, samada dia sihat atau tidak, dia gembira atau tidak. Bukan salah pun kalau kita buat begitu.
  • Terima Seadanya. Dalam dunia ni, tiada manusia yang sempurna sifatnya melainkan Nabi Jujungan Kita. Apa yang ada pada pasangan kita tu adalah yang terbaik. Diri kita pun tidak sempurna mana pun.
  • Ibu Bapa. Adalah baik untuk kita memberitahu siapa pasangan kita kat ibu bapa kita. Bukan nak suruh masuk meminang, cuma untuk pengetahuan ibu bapa kita. Dengan siapa kita berkawan, orang dari mana. Ada kebaikkan kita buat macam ni.

Dalam bercinta, kita kena beringat-ingat juga, jangan terlalu cinta. Pasti semua orang pernah merasa apakah tu cinta. Mungkin ada dikalangan anda yang tengah hangat bercinta, mungkin juga yang masih tercari-cari cintanya. Yang sedang bercinta atau yang mencari cinta, anda kena ingat bahawa cinta pada Maha Pencipta Kita adalah segalanya.


have you ever heard about artificial egg? (telur ayam tiruan)


Hey guys. Post kali ni aku nak bercerita pasal telur ayam tiruan. Malaysia telah dikejutkan dengan penjualan telur ayam yang bukan dihasilkan oleh ayam tetapi dihasilkan dengan menggunakan pelbagai jenis bahan kimia. Telur ayam tiruan itu dijual dengan harga yang lebih murah berbanding harga telur ayam yang asli. Berdasarkan googling yang aku buat, penghasilan telur ayam tiruan ini telah bermula di negara China. Ok, aku akan menunjukkan cara membuat telur ayam tiruan dan cara untuk mengenalpasti telur ayam tiruan.

Cara Penghasilan Telur Ayam Tiruan

Cara Mengenalpasti Telur Ayam Tiruan
  1. Kulit telur ayam tiruan adalah lebih berkilat daripada telur ayam asli, tetapi tidak begitu jelas.
  2. Ketika menyentuh telur ayam tiruan dengan tangan, rasanya sedikit lebih kasar daripada telur ayam asli.
  3. Ketika menggoncang telur ayam tiruan, ia akan mengeluarkan bunyi, ini kerana air melimpah daripada wakil padat.
  4. Telur ayam asli berbau sedikit seperti daging mentah.
  5. Tekan telur perlahan-lahan. Telur ayam asli mengeluarkan bunyi lebih keras daripada telur ayam tiruan.
  6. Setelah mengeluarkan isi telur ayam tiruan, kuning telur dan putih telur akan mencair bersama. Hal ini kerana kuning telur dan putih telur terbuat dari bahan yang sama.
  7. Ketika menggoreng telur ayam tiruan, kuning telur akan menyebar tanpa disentuh.

Harap post ni dapat membantu korang untuk lagi berhati-hati ketika membeli telur ayam sebab telur ayam tiruan boleh memberi kesan buruk kepada badan kita. Pesanan aku, kadang-kadang kita perlu fikirkan kualiti daripada kuantiti.


not again...


Hey guys. Aku nak mengadu sesuatu kat korang ni. Keadaan aku memang tak stabil sangat dan aku nak buat kerja apa-apa pun memang tak boleh. Urgh! Sekarang ni dah lah sibuk dengan FYP aku dan minggu ni kena tunjuk kat client/supervisor tapi ada pula yang mengacau. Kalau nak buat kerja je, mesti nak meleleh. Mesti korang dah tahu apa yang aku nak mengadukan. Iyer, FLU/SELSEMA. Disebabkan tu, aku telah meng'google'kan untuk cari macam mana nak sembuh kan selsema(plus, aku malas pergi klinik).

Tips untuk menyembuhkan selsema tanpa pergi klinik:
  • Minum banyak air panas (teh, sup, dll) untuk mengelakkan dehidrasi, menghangatkan badan dan untuk mennyahkan racun. Hal ini juga membantu sistem antibodi badan untuk melawan dan mencegah virus influenza. Minum teh herba juga membantu untuk meringankan sakit tekak.
  • Minum banyak jus (jus oren, jus multivitamin, dll) kerana vitamin dalam jus dapat membantu sistem antibodi badan dan menyembuhkan penyakit dengan lebih cepat.
  • Kekalkan kehangatan badan. Berpeluh membantu menyingkirkan racun dan memulihkan badan lebih cepat.
  • Kekalkan kehangatan kaki anda (memakai stokin yang selesa) kerana kaki yang hangat dapat membantu peredaran darah.
Sebenarnya ada cara yang lagi mudah. Pergi farmasi, beli Panadol Soluble. Kita sebenarnya tak baik terlalu bergantung sangat kat ubat-ubat macam ni tapi terpulang lah pada korang. Ok lah, saja nak kongsi tips ni. Doakan aku cepat sembuh ok. :)




If you are either just out of college or university, changing careers or working contract, you have to go to interviews to get a job. Because of that, I would like to give some tips how to do a good interview.
  • Of course, the initial challenge is to be called to interview in the first place. This means that you need to give your application form time and care.
    • Don't write it; type it.
    • Don't make spelling mistakes; ask a friend to check it.
    • In my experience, it is utterly amazing the number of applicants who simply submit a standard curriculum vitae without making any effort whatsoever to tailor the application to the organisation and the post.
    • The organisation advertising the post should send you a person specification and/or short-listing criteria (if they don't, ask them). You should address each and every point in the person specification showing how you meet the requirements. This will maximise the chance of you being called to interview.

  • The key to a good interview itself is good preparation:
    • research thoroughly the industry or sector, the company or organisation and the particular job, making particular use of the annual report & accounts, the web site and current newspaper articles;
    • prepare an informal opening and closing statement that emphasizes why you want the job and why you think you are particularly well qualified to be chosen.

  • On the day before the interview, read your application form again, since many of the interview questions are likely to draw on the content of your application and you need to remember what you have written and think about what might be raised as a result.

  • On the morning of the interview, check the newspapers and the Internet for any last minute developments affecting the organisation you are visiting or the industry in which you are interested in working. This will prepare you for any questions on that development and give you an opportunity to mention it if appropriate.

  • Dress smartly. Even if the dress code is casual for the organisation concerned, it always pays to be smart for the actual interview.

  • Be in good time. Try to identify a local cafĂ© so that, if you are really early, you can go for a drink and take a last look at your notes.

  • It may seem totally obvious, but switch off your mobile or anything else (such as a pager or digital watch) that might make a noise. I once chaired an interview panel for a senior executive position and, in one of the interviews, the interviewee's mobile went off twice (he didn't get the job).

  • If you are anxious about interviews, when you are actually called into the interview room, take two or three slow, deep breaths to calm your nerves and your breathing.

  • As you are introduced to the interviewers, shake their hand firmly, look them in the eyes, and say that you are pleased to meet them. These first few seconds are so important in creating a favourable impression. Remember: you don't get a second chance to make a first impression.

  • Answer the questions in a confident, firm voice. Don't mumble or rush or be too hesitant.

  • Answers should not be one word or one sentence, but equally should not go on too long. If you have a lot to say, having made the main points, you could finish by saying: "I could expand upon that, if you wish".

  • When answering the questions, maintain eye contact with the interviewer(s). If there are two interviewers, give them equal attention. If there are three or more, slowly sweep your eyes from side to side like a radar beam.

  • In the answers to your questions, make selective and relevant use of the information from your preliminary researches and casually mention at least some of the sources you have used. For example: "I was interested to see in your annual report …", "I noticed on your web site ..", "I was reading an article recently that said .." This will impress the interviewer(s) with your knowledge, your research and your keenness.

  • Don't waffle. If you don't know, say so.

  • Never, ever lie.

  • Almost certainly, the opening question will be a general one along the lines of: "Will you tell us why you applied for this job/why you want this job/why you think you are suited for this job". You should be ready for this question by having mentally prepared a short statement that provides the three or four key points in your favour. Think about how you would expand on each point if asked to do so. If you are aware of the short-listing criteria for interview, this opening statement should address the specific requirements set out in the short-listing criteria.

  • If the organisation concerned is a commercial one, this opening statement should identify with the product or service that is at the core of the company's activities. For instance, "I'm excited by the possibilities that software presents for giving companies a really competitive edge".

  • If the organisation concerned is a political, campaigning or voluntary one, this opening statement should identify with the values of the organisation. For instance, "I've always believed in ... because ..." or "I really care about ... because ..."

  • If you are not asked this kind of opening question, you should gently take control of the interview by, as soon as possible, saying something like: "Perhaps you would like to know why I applied for the job". You can then use your opening statement.

  • Most of the questions you will be asked can be anticipated so, in advance of interview, think about the likely questions. Then plan how you would answer them, making notes in the form of two or three (or occasionally four) bulleted points which you should memorise - not word for word, but point by point.

  • Many of the questions you will be asked will arise from what you have written in your application so, shortly before the interview date, read over your application again and think about how the interviewer(s) may wish to probe for further information.

  • Think of the worst question you could be asked. Again plan how you would answer it. Then this question - and any other - is not going to be that tough for you.

  • Think of actual experiences that illustrate the qualities that you would bring to the job. A good interviewer will not ask the obvious or leading question such as: "Do you like teamwork?" or "Can you cope with stress?". A clever interviewer will instead ask: "Can you give me an example of how you have worked in a team and tell me how you interacted with the other team members?" or "Can you tell me a time when you were under particular stress and explain to me how you handled or resolved it?"

  • A common - but silly - question is something along the lines of: "Tell us three of your strengths and three of your weaknesses". Again be ready for this one by having planned mentally how you would respond. The strengths should be a reaffirmation of your opening statement. For example, "I have these skills ..", "I have this experience ..", "I'm the kind of person who .." As far as so-called weaknesses are concerned, do not actually admit to any, but instead express so-called weaknesses as strengths. For example, "I'm really stubborn about always being on time", "I tend to be a bit too conscientious and want to get everything right", "I'm really curious and always want to know more about things".

  • Almost certainly, you will be asked a final question along the lines of: "Is there anything else that you would like to tell us?" Again you should be ready for this question by having mentally prepared a short statement that reaffirms the content of your opening statement, deals with any difficulties that have come up in the interview, and concludes by emphasizing how much you would like the job and how keen you would be if you obtained it.

  • Again, if you are not asked this kind of closing question, you should gently take control of the interview by - before you leave - saying something like: "Before I go, could I just emphasise why I am so keen to do this job". Then use your closing statement.

  • If you cannot answer a question to your satisfaction, come back to it in your closing statement if you remember and you've thought of a better answer. Otherwise don't be afraid to phone up soon afterwards and say something like: "I'm not sure that I explained myself too well in the interview. What I wanted to say was …" You will lose nothing by this. On the contrary, it will show keenness and it will remind them of you.

  • At the end of the interview, you may be asked: "Are there any questions that you would like to ask us about the company (or organisation) or the job?" Once again, be ready for this and have one or two good questions ready. As far as the company or organisation is concerned, ask a question which shows interest in the future prospects. For example: "Where are the growth opportunities for the company?" or "What do think will be the new markets that the company will want to enter in the next few years?" or "What are the key strategic objectives for the organisation in the next couple of years?" As far as the job is concerned, again ask questions that show keenness and interest in the future. For instance: "What are the training opportunities in this job?" or "How is the job likely to develop in the next year or two?" or "What chances are there for promotion in this post?"

  • Above all, show some enthusiasm and keenness for the job. However calculated the questions and however sophisticated the marking of the answers, most interviewers eventually make the final decision based on the overall impression and nothing makes a better impression than a positive demeanour.

  • Follow all these tips and you should get the job! If all this does not work and you do not win the post, ask for a debriefing interview or telephone conversation. This will impress the company or organisation and stand you in good stead for any future applications to them. Also, if you approach this exercise open-mindedly, you will learn a lot and your next performance will be even better.



DUIT,DUIT n DUIT..adoi,penin kepala aku skrg..duit dalam acc semakin ari semakin sikit ni..then, sem depan practical kat penang(mayb),mesti kene pakai lg banyak duit tu,huh!!..dah tu, lg sebulan lebih kot utk abes sem ni..ngat nak balik lepas abes exam tp tiket bus lg(mak n abah tersayang,jadi lah sponsor utk anak mu ni,hihi)..waaaaa,macam mane ni.

ni kene cari care yg laen nak solve money problem ni..setelah berfikir dalam seminggu dua, then aku dah decide nak buat plan belanjawan ni(bukan malaysia je de belanjawan ok, aku pun ade gak lah,haha)

perkara2 yg terkandung dalam plan tu macam kat bawah ni.
>kurangkan topup.
>kurangkan makan(mampu ke ni,adoi).
>kurangkan utk muvie.
>kurangkan bowling.
>kurangkan shopping kat bundle.
>kurangkan meronggeng disana sini(ni pun cam xmampu je,haha).
>kurangkan buat keje2 yg xberfaedah.
>kurangkan ape2 yg terlebih.

bile bace balik plan ni, cam xcayer je boleh follow,haha..sume yg kat atas ni bende2 yg selalu aku buat..haiya, manyak susah wooo..hope boleh lah follow lah kan,haha.



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