
google releases malaysia's top searches for 2011


Google is releasing today its annual Zeitgeist lists for Malaysia: this year’s hottest selection of search terms on The lists offer a unique glimpse through the collective eyes of Malaysian searchers into the big events, memorable moments and emerging trends that captivated the nation throughout this year.

This year’s fastest rising searches reveal that in addition to social networking and launching Angry Birds at green pigs, Malaysians love a good laugh, with local reality TV show Maharaja Lawak landing the third spot.

When it comes to TV, Malaysians clearly love reality: America’s Next Top Model (ANTM), X Factor USA and American Idol 2011 were the most-searched for TV shows this year.

"Tonton" and "what is ppvrip" were also popular searches, indicating that Malaysians are

bringing their appreciation for TV online.

Tech-crazy Malaysians had plenty of technology trends to plug into this year. Gadgets both real and rumored grabbed four out of the top ten fastest rising search queries: iPhone5, iPad2, Samsung Galaxy and Android were all popular searches.

Turning to Google with their tech-related questions, Malaysians asked “What is …” to find out more about ‘iPad,’ ‘hacking’ and ‘jailbreak.

Singer-songwriter Bruno Mars, who visited Malaysia in April, leads a list of the fastest rising people searched which includes three other international music stars – Avril Lavigne, Rihanna and of course Justin Bieber, whose baby face topped the list of most popular image searches this year.

Malaysians also turned to image search to discover what fixed-gear bicycles look like as fixie culture took off, and to see Domo-kun, the furry mascot of Japan's NHK television station.

The fastest rising Malaysian searched for was YouTube sensation Cikgu Shida, who has garnered a large following miming to local and international hit songs.

Other Malaysians making the lists are young bloggers Fatin Liyana and Haniz Zalikha, politician Anwar Ibrahim, cleric Ustaz Kazim and muslimah designer Hana Tajima, who created a wave of headscarf fashion locally.

Google spokesperson Zeffri Yusof says: “Google’s year-end Zeitgeist is a cultural barometer that reveals just about everything that has us excited, curious or plain wanting to know more. From leaders, celebrities, current affairs to pop culture, sports and everything in between, search trends reveal what’s on the collective Malaysian mind.”

Google Malaysian Zeitgeist: Most popular and fastest-rising searches for 2011

Fastest rising searches
1. Facebook
2. Angry Birds
3. Maharaja Lawak
4. iPhone 5
5. Samsung Galaxy
6. iPad2
7. Jawatan kosong
8. Android
9. Tonton
10. Aishiteru

Fastest rising people
1. Bruno Mars
2. Hana Tajima
3. Cikgu Shida
4. Avril Lavigne
5. Anwar Ibrahim
6. Fatin Liyana
7. Justin Bieber
8. Rihanna
9. Ustaz Kazim
10. Hanis Zalikha

Top news stories
1. ipad 2
2. Malaysian grand prix
3. Kennedy space center
4. Kentucky derby
5. Japan nuclear crisis
6. MTV movie awards
7. Michael Jackson funeral
8. Malaysian open
9. Thailand flood
10. Malaysia budget 2012

Top image searches
1. Justin Bieber
2. Background designs
3. Fixie bike
4. Domo Kun
5. Monster energy
6. Supra shoes
7. Jules Verne
8. Smiley face
9. Kartun muslimah
10. Chelsea Olivia

Top ‘what is...’ searches
1. what is bersih
2. what is g6
3. what is ppvrip
4. what is ipad
5. what are words
6. what is jailbreak
7. what is android
8. what is lmao
9. what is hacking
10. what is information

Top TV shows
2. x factor usa
3. american idol 2011
4. amazing race 18
5. tvb drama 2011
6. nagamma serial
7. supernatural
8. bones season 7
9. Al Jazeera
10. My Princess


police report filed against gay med student or ariff and his partner

The police have been urged to investigate gay medical student Ariff who reportedly married an Irish man over the weekend.
The report was filed by Muslim NGO, Kepong Islamic Youth Organisation (PBIK), with the Sentul police headquarters here this morning.
“We are making the police report in the name of the Malays against a Malay youth who disgraced the name of our country, religion and race.
“We want to pressure the Higher Education Ministry and government-linked companies which sponsors students for education abroad to ensure that the students’ Malayness and Islamic identity are strong,” said PBIK chairman Norizan Ali.

Ariff, 28, who was studying in the University College Dublin was initially reported to be missing. He is a former Petronas scholarship recipient.

p/s: moga Allah memberi petunjuk ke arah jalan yang benar kepada beliau. amin.

muka kau buruk, teruk, busuk dan macam-macam lagi

Hi guys. Dalam post kali ini, aku nak bercakap mengenai persepsi manusia terhadap manusia. Jika manusia itu tidak mencapai satu tahap standard, ia dianggap tidak menarik. Memang dasyat bila manusia menilai manusia lain. Orang zaman sekarang ni, kalau dia nampak orang lain yang kurang menarik, dia mulalah memberi tanggapan yang negatif. Sebagai contoh:
  • Dia nampak tak cantiklah!
  • Dia nampak lansung tak handsome pun!
  • Adoi, kurusnya badan dia ni, macam batang lidi dah aku tengok dia!
  • Gelap macam warna arang dah aku tengok kulit dia ni!
  • Bapak gemuk badan dia tu, macam belon dah!
Dunia zaman sekarang telah menghasilkan satu 'benchmark' untuk menilai manusia. Kalau manusia itu berkulit putih, dia memang menarik orangnya. Kalau manusia itu berbadan tegap, dia memang handsome lah. Kalau badan dia 30-40-30, dia memang mantap sangat. 

Eh, come on lah. Jangan kita nak guna 'benchmark' ini. Kita tiada hak nak menilai seseorang itu sama ada dia cantik atau buruk. Setiap yang ada pada seseorang manusia itu adalah cantik atau handsome. Semua yang dicipta oleh Allah itu memang dah cukup sempurna.


Allah lebih mengasihinya

Rokiah binti Nahir

Beliau telah kembali ke rahmatullah pada 30.11.2011. 
Semoga roh beliau akan berada di kalangan orang-orang yang beriman.
Segala kenangan yang tercipta tidak akan aku lupakan, segala kebaikkan yang telah beliau lakukan untuk aku dan juga keluarga tidak akan aku sia-siakan, segala pengajaran yang beliau ajari aku dan adik beradik aku akan aku gunakan pada masa hadapan.

Nenek, terima kasih dan berbahagialah engkau di sana.

buncit, boroi, perut ke depan dan sebagainya

Hi guys. Kali ini aku nak buat post berkaitan dengan buncit @ boroi. Dulu-dulu, kalau bercakap pasal buncit, memang kaum lelaki yang kenalah. Tetapi sekarang tidak lagi, perempuan pun ada yang mengalami masalah yang sama. Aku pun juga ada lah sikit-sikit buncit tu tapi boleh cover lagi lah. :p

Daripada kajian yang aku buat pasal buncit ini, ada beberapa cara untuk mengawal atau mengurangkan masalah buncit ini.
  1. Pastikan anda bersarapan pada setiap pagi.
  2. Luangkan sedikit masa untuk bersenam.
  3. Banyakkan pengambilan serat (buah-buahan) yang tepat.
  4. Mempunyai masa tidur yang mencukupi.
  5. Cuba jauhi sebarang tekanan.
  6. Banyakkan minum air.
Bagi yang tengah buncit tu, janganlah korang rasa sedih. Masih ada cara untuk menyelamatkan korang dari terus menjadi boroi tapi kenalah usaha sikit. Kalau setakat cakap je, memang sampai ke sudah korang tetap perut jalan ke depan.


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